Friday, June 12, 2009

So, what's this blog all about?

I am not a 'natural born blogger' and NEITHER believed on the possibility to find spare time to write one. Yet, some people insisted I should try out. So, be it, then.

In brief, I am going to explain the idea behind it.
Colombia is one of the largest and most complicated humanitarian emergencies around the world - with little or no international media coverage whatsover - It's a truly forgotten crisis -
Since Colombia seems to be getting in the news only for coca trafficking, the idea would be to give some kind of visibility and to try generate an interest among the public or whoever wants to follow this blog. Also, I intend to give some ideas about life in urban Colombia and get rid of that stereotype...
Unfortunately, in some parts of Colombia, mainly in rural areas, the situation is very serious indeed and its getting worse every day. The conflict is deeply engulfed in a situation that has so far led to mass displacements, expulsions, mobility restrictions, selected homicides, landmines victims etc. What´s worse here is that even ordinary Colombians know very little about the real situation since national media also pretty much ignore what's going on.
There are many reasons why the humanitarian situation in Colombia does not get international coverage. Politics apart (there is too much to talk about, later then..) in Colombia there aren't the refugee camps or genocides of Rwanda or Darfur taking place to grab the headlines. But neither the armed conflict in Colombia grabs the headlines of the likes of Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq...
Nevertheless, I can tell you that the armed conflict in Colombia has had devastating effects on civilians. A large number of displaced persons, especially from ethnic minorities, have over the years moved into cities, town outskirts or crossed over national borders. Many people have been forced out or confined, many youngsters are forcibly recruited into guerrilla ranks, sexual violence, threats and selected killings are some of the other major impact on communities. Colombia has the highest number of new victims in the world. Colombia ranks second in the number of landmines concentration in the world and ranks first for victims as a result.
Colombia´s displaced people are thought to be around 4 million. All these numbers continue to rise. That's not less than Darfur...

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